How to Prepare for an Inspection
No home is perfect. Anything from major damage to minor maintenance issues are often found. Even new homes are not immune – they could have problems with the plumbing, electrical system, heating and cooling system, or the roofing system just to name a few.
For Homeowners:
It’s important to be aware of any issues your home may have prior to putting it on the market. Getting a Pre listing inspection will ensure that you’re aware of any problems and can take care of them on
your terms – or present them as-is and adjust your selling price proportionally. The alternative leaves you open to costly surprises and delays, and even potential deal-breakers once you’ve entered
negotiations with the buyer.
For Buyers:
A home inspection is vital to uncovering issues a home may have but are invisible to the untrained eye. A professional home inspection is always money well spent. This is a large investment and the comparable small cost of the home inspection is a large piece of mind.
Most associations such as the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors (NACHI) and National Association of Home Inspectors, Inc. (NAHI) have membership requirements that include
minimum levels of experience and training as well as codes of ethics.
We are members of both NACHI and NAHI.
Once your home inspector has arrived, it is recommended that you
accompany him or her on the inspection of the property. This is so you
can become familiar with the home and its systems as well as exactly what
repairs the inspector recommends and why. You might also want to
prepare a list of items that you’ve seen in the home that you feel are cause
for concern as well as any questions you may have. The inspection is a
great time to find out where the main shut off for the electricity is and where the home’s water and gas shutoffs are.
Here are some other suggestions for homeowners:
Make sure that all areas of the home are accessible, especially to the attic
and crawl space. It’s also a good idea to trim any trees and shrubs that
may make an inspection of the exterior of the property difficult.
The inspector may photograph your home for the inspection report, so
clearing the clutter and moving vehicles from the front of the home will help
the inspection go smoother.
Repair minor things like leaky faucets, missing door handles and trim.